**Hands-On ESP8266: Mastering Basic Peripherals** **by Erwin Setiawan**
Introduction =================================================================================== Rapid advances in IoT technology demand a lot of devices to be connected to the internet. To design such devices, we usually need microcontrollers and network modules (Ethernet or WiFi). ESP8266 is a low-cost microcontroller that already has an on-chip WiFi module. This WiFi module makes the ESP8266 as a popular microcontroller for IoT device development. With ESP8266, we do not need external the WiFi module, so we can significantly reduce the Bill of Material (BOM) cost of the IoT product. This book is primarily written as a hands-on material rather than theory. This book covers the basic of ESP8266 peripherals and the popular sensors and actuators. In this book, the Arduino library is used for programming the ESP8266, and the NodeMCU development board is used. ![Figure [fig:esp8266_1]: Hands-On ESP8266: Mastering Basic Peripherals](esp8266_1.jpg width=300px) Contents =================================================================================== This book is divided into several chapters as follows. * Chapter 1 – Introduction * Chapter 2 – Blink an LED * Chapter 3 – Dim an LED using PWM * Chapter 4 – Control an RGB LED * Chapter 5 – Display a Message on OLED Display * Chapter 6 – Read a Button * Chapter 7 – Read a Button using External Interrupt * Chapter 8 – Read a Trimpot using ADC * Chapter 9 – Serial Communication between ESP8266 and PC * Chapter 10 – Data Logging to PC using Serial * Chapter 11 – Receive Data from PC using Serial * Chapter 12 – Measure Time using a Timer * Chapter 13 – DS1307 Real-Time Clock * Chapter 14 – DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Download =================================================================================== Hands-On ESP8266: Mastering Basic Peripherals by Erwin Ouyang, Oct 2018 | PDF ebook, 120 pages. * [E-book](Hands-On_ESP8266_Mastering_Basic_Peripherals.pdf) * [Source Code](https://github.com/yohanes-erwin/esp8266-arduino)