**Hands-On IoT: Wi-Fi and Embedded Web Development** **by Erwin Setiawan**
Introduction =================================================================================== Rapid advances in IoT technology demand a lot of devices to be connected to the internet. To design such devices, we usually need knowledges about microcontrollers and computer network. As an example, we often found devices that can be connected to the network and can be configured via web interfaces. These devices implement embedded web server. For example, most of network devices usually use embedded web server as the interface for configuration. Although there are a lot of books that discuss about microcontrollers or web development, they usually discuss the topics in separate books. Rarely, there is a book that discusses both of the topics in one book, i.e. the book that discusses how to create a web interface for a microcontroller. Therefore, this book is written to fill that gap. The Arduino library is used to program the ESP32, while HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are used to build the web interface. ![Figure [fig:iot_1]: Hands-On IoT: Wi-Fi and Embedded Web Development](iot_1.jpg width=300px) Contents =================================================================================== This book is divided into several chapters as follows. * Chapter 1 – Introduction * Chapter 2 – Digital Output * Chapter 3 – Digital Input * Chapter 4 – Serial I/O * Chapter 5 – Analog Output * Chapter 6 – Analog Input * Chapter 7 – Sensors * Chapter 8 – Wi-Fi Access Point * Chapter 9 – Wi-Fi Station * Chapter 10 – TCP Server * Chapter 11 – TCP Client * Chapter 12 – HTTP Server * Chapter 13 – HTTP Client * Chapter 14 – Web Server * Chapter 15 – HyperText Markup Language (HTML) * Chapter 16 – Web Page Data Exchange * Chapter 17 – JavaScript (JS) * Chapter 18 – SPI Flash File System * Chapter 19 – Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) * Chapter 20 – Gauge and Chart Download =================================================================================== Hands-On IoT: Wi-Fi and Embedded Web Development by Erwin Ouyang, Jun 2020 | PDF ebook, 209 pages * [E-book](Hands-On_IoT_Wi-Fi_and_Embedded_Web_Development.pdf) * [Source Code](https://github.com/yohanes-erwin/arduino-ml/tree/master/esp32_examples)