**STM32F103 SPL Tutorial** **by Erwin Setiawan**
Contents =================================================================================== * [Part 1 Create a New Project in Keil uVision IDE](part_1/index.html) * [Part 2 GPIO Write LED](part_2/index.html) * [Part 3 GPIO Read Button](part_3/index.html) * [Part 4 Create a Delay Function with System Timer](part_4/index.html) * [Part 5 SPI Interface](part_5/index.html) * [Part 6 I2C Interface](part_6/index.html) * [Part 7 Interfacing LCD16x2](part_7/index.html) * [Part 8 Interfacing Unipolar Stepper Motor](part_8/index.html) Resources =================================================================================== * **[Source Code]** Get the full source code: [handsonembedded repository](https://github.com/yohanes-erwin/stm32f103-keil).